God Opens Doors: His Timing Unlocks Your Purpose

Though God opens doors, sometimes human beings have the tendency to crave and carve out their own plan. We prefer to feel in control of our destiny.

But, our purpose isn’t always something we would choose. Typically, God’s plan for our life involves personal risk and sacrifice while our tendency as people is to seek comfort.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails (Proverbs 19:21).

God opens doors

Let me tell you a story about the plans I have for my life:

Years ago, I felt a strong desire to foster parent.

My heart breaks for the children in our country who do not have their basic needs met and have no sense of security.

Growing up I always had food, our home always had electricity, and I never felt unsafe in my environment.

Only as an adult did I realize what a gift this was.

However, I live in a one-bedroom apartment and in order to foster parent, I need a “home” with at least two bedrooms. I made the decision to put down roots (and boycott my 6-year per city habit!) and buy a home.

I have looked and looked (for two years) and even placed several contracts on different houses, but the situations fell through. Though I try to break in, I’ve realized God opens doors and His timing unlocks my purpose.

God opens doors

Here’s the thing:

God is a big God and a good God, and I trust in His plan for me.

While not my choice, this is not the time when I am supposed to be foster parenting, otherwise, God would make a way for me. I’m not saying I should sit back and let God do everything, but I’m doing the necessary work and the results keep pointing to “not right now.”

Is foster parenting a bad idea? No.

But the plans we have for ourselves don’t have to be poor options in order for them to be separate from God’s purpose for us. I accept that becoming a foster parent is not part of my purpose right now (though a foster cat did just land in my lap!).

God opens doors.

Truthfully, if I was a foster parent, I would have very little time to write. I’m where I need to be right now (but I’ll keep praying!).

God opens doors

How does this story apply to you?

Well, take a good, hard look at what you currently hope for. Do you see that God opens doors in your situation? Are you filled with peace or angst when you think of your plan? Do the plans you have for yourself serve as idols which replace God?

These are tough questions, I know. I’ve had to ask them of myself recently.

Know that God’s purpose for your life cannot be shaken or undone.

God opens doors and His purpose for our lives requires receptivity to His plan and His timing (Lord, if you could just let me peek at your calendar, it would really help out).

We also have to be amenable to the fact that everything has a season and that our purpose can change over time. While we can strategize for our future, we need to live out our current purpose.

Is there a purpose you have for yourself instead of the one God has for you? 

Do you feel God asking you to set aside something you really want to further the Kingdom?

Are you trusting Him to know what’s best for you?

Spend some time in meditative prayer or just listening to see what God has in store for you. In order to find our purpose, we need to be open to all possibilities.

Not sure how to pray? Check out the 4-part video series here.

Join me for this week’s En-CourageUP! videos on my Facebook page a 60-second encouragement boost.

What dreams do you have for yourself where God has said, “Not right now”?

Love, K.


En-CourageUP! Videos

Have you ever felt God calling you to something but things don’t seem to work out?
God’s timing is important when it comes to finding our purpose. But doing things in his timing can be difficult because as humans we prefer immediate gratification. How can we trust God in times of waiting?
K.A. Wypych

I’m a Christian writer, speaker, and athlete inspiring people to courageously persevere through challenges to reach their big dreams and better their lives. This blog is designed to help you be a better you by tackling the entities which limit human potential. I address the pitfalls in our lives using the Bible as my primary guiding tool.

  1. This is a timely message for me. Sine moving from full to part time employment (I struggle with using the “retirement” word), I believed I would have ample time to write and complete a plethora of needed projects at home. Needless to say, I was overly optimistic. You’ve asked some tough questions about purpose and trust. Although I’ve been praying that God would show me His purpose, I’m not sure I’ve waited patiently enough for His answers. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. This was right on time for me. I’ve been struggling with things I want. B do feel they aren’t happening fast enough. But God is saying, not right now child. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for your honesty about God’s working in your life. I sometimes have a tendency to ‘share’ an idea with God as if I expect Him to say, “Wow – great idea – I never thought of that!” And then I just chuckle and ask for forgiveness and throw in a “thy will be done,” because I am fully aware that God’s plans for me are ALWAYS best! Even if I struggle with the ‘not now’s and the ‘no’s that often come my way. I love knowing that God’s purpose in my life can’t be shaken or undone!

  4. (Lord, if you could just let me peek at your calendar, it would really help out).
    Oh my yes! But you are so right. God does use circumstances to direct our paths. When ever I’m disappointed that something did not work out I try to remember this. And, when I’m surprised about pieces falling into place I try to pray and then move forward, trusting and asking Hod to intervene if I’m on the wrong path.

  5. Wow. What a great post. I feel as though God is speaking the same things to my heart. I too had the desire to foster. We even started the process only to keep being surprised with our own pregnancies and the. Having the same issue of too small a house. Thank you for the encouragement!

    1. It’s so difficult when what our hearts want are good things! But, His timing prevails. Thanks for sharing your comment! Keep me in the loop on your foster care endeavors!

  6. This was just what I needed. There are so many times I make plans and try to get God’s stamp of approval, instead of seeking His timing and His plans for me. I have a friend like you who wanted to foster parent, and she moved to a different state so she could afford a house where the cost of living is less. God really requires us to surrender even our good ideas and dreams to Him, so He can reshape them to something better than we could imagine. I pray God brings you His dreams during this time.

    1. Yes, surrendering the “good ideas” can seem unfair, but holding onto them in the face of God’s timing is another way for humanity to stay “in control.” Thank you for sharing your comment and for your encouragement. Please keep me in your prayers!

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