God Qualifies You: 3 Ways to Overcome

Ever feel weak? Or that you’re not the right person to handle God’s calling on your life? She’s a much better speaker. I’m terrible at marketing. Welcome to the team, friend. But (and this is a big BUT), your inadequacies don’t frighten God. He’s not shocked and reeling because you feel insufficient. He’s not busily trying to come up with another plan. Your purpose is yours whether you feel capable or not. Because (in a whisper) God qualifies you.

Well, what does it mean that God qualifies us? We can know our purpose, feel it in our bones, but fail to pursue it because we feel inadequate. However, once you step out in faith, God equips you for your purpose. He qualifies those He calls.

“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2).

God has this neat little habit of inserting Himself dynamically into situations which seem hopeless (feeding 5000 with the minuscule fish and loaves, knocking down the walls of Jericho, and the Red Sea to name a few examples).

I know you feel afraid. I do, too. Every day. But, that’s what’s so great. Even though we think we’re not enough to get the job done, we can overcome with God.

God qualifies you

God Qualifies You: 3 Ways to Overcome

Despite Inadequacy, STEP FORWARD

No matter how inadequate you feel, God’s strength can bring you to victory. However, He never says the going will be easy. Humanity and today’s culture frequently associate a level of goodness with a high level of comfort. You’ve got to step outside of familiarity and overcome mistakes.

Remember, God is a god of miracles. He specializes in the impossible. I only need to look at my own life! As an example, God pulled me out of my comfort zone and called me to compete in an Ironman triathlon before I knew how to swim. Mind you, the swim segment in an Ironman is 2.4 miles. 2.4 miles. The distance was too far. I said, “no” to God. Flat out, “no.”

In the end, God carried me through. He taught me perseverance and endurance. His plan was not impacted by my inadequacy, by not knowing how to swim. Slowly (very slowly) over a period of several years of dedication to swimming, I miraculously completed the 2.4-mile swim.

Despite Weakness, BELIEVE

God wanted to use me to teach perseverance and endurance. That I could not swim did not hinder Him in the slightest. In fact, my weakness was part of God’s greatest lesson for me in perseverance.

You may have a big dream in your heart but feel you don’t have the skills to make it happen. This passion could still be part of your purpose!

But, if you see your purpose, the enemy sees it. He will hunt you down like a roaring lion trying to get you to give up, using fear, doubt, and isolation as tools.

Thus, one of the keys to success is generating a belief in your gut that you were meant to do this. It’s different than faith in God. It’s setting your purpose, your calling in cement in your belly. So, that every time the devil comes knocking, the foundation may shake and crack but will remain.

See, God isn’t limited in the way humans are limited. You can trust that you are in good hands. He put this dream in your heart for a reason. You must believe it even when you can’t see it.

Despite circumstances, RELY ON GOD

I believe using our weakness is not only is God’s specialty but His recipe for our purpose.  He wants us in a place where we have to rely on Him.

Therefore, He will bestow upon you the necessary skills at the appropriate time for you to reach your purpose. God wants us to step into Him. He longs to be our partner in our purpose.

If you feel inadequate for your calling, know that He will be the strength in your weakness.

God qualifies you. Use the 3 ways to overcome any inadequacy you may feel.

1. Start. Step forward. Begin somewhere. Manifest the dream in the physical world.

2. Believe in the dream. Cement it deep inside you. Create a foundation for the tough times.

3. Rely on God. Bad stuff will come. It will. Rely on God to carry you through, to show you what you need to know, and to bring people into your life to guide you.

Step forward into all God has for you! God qualifies you!

I have so much faith that you can do it!

Love, K.

En-CourageUP! Video: God Qualifies You #1

En-CourageUP! Video: God Qualifies You #2

K.A. Wypych

I’m a Christian writer, speaker, and athlete inspiring people to courageously persevere through challenges to reach their big dreams and better their lives. This blog is designed to help you be a better you by tackling the entities which limit human potential. I address the pitfalls in our lives using the Bible as my primary guiding tool.

  1. K., Very inspiring! Yes, I can easily feel overwhelmed and draw real strength from seeing God’s works in the past and in the present. I enjoyed reading about your victory in the triathlon. “His plan was not impacted by my inadequacy, by not knowing how to swim. Slowly (very slowly) over a period of several years of dedication to swimming, I miraculously completed the 2.4-mile swim.”

  2. Thank you for this inspiring post! I loved this line: “God has this neat little habit of inserting Himself dynamically into situations….” and I chuckled when you said just because we feel inadequate doesn’t mean God is busily trying to scramble and come up with a new plan! The idea seemed laughable, yet, that’s just exactly what we do and think in our humanness! Loved your three ways to overcome, and I’ll try to put them into action!

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