Mastering Clean Living: The Key to a Good Life

I’ve been letting you in on my alternative version of clean living (which I think is right on target) above and beyond saying “no” to drugs or gluten. Specifically, clean living means having your exterior life reflect your inner beliefs, recognizing the power of rest to increase your productivity, decluttering your life and mind, and NOW I’m finishing up the series in a really good way. I’m going to tell you the NUMBER ONE thing you can do to live your best life.

Indeed, there are multiple components which make up the best life, but this is by and large the single most impactful tip.

Remember the Golden Rule?

Love your neighbor as yourself? Well, I don’t buy into that literally because I had this horrible neighbor once who banged on the ceiling instead of talking to me and would send a barrage of cursing text messages because I vacuumed my apartment at 6 pm on a Sunday. So, I tolerated her the best I could, but I wouldn’t say she’s the key to clean living. Not hardly.

Do you know what will help you to live your best life?

This one thing.


Never withhold good that’s within your power to give.

Read that again.

key to a good life

Never Withhold Good

To clarify, I’m not talking about sacrificial love. That’s more servant living than clean living (I just love it when God gives me my next series when I’m writing the current one!).

Okay, so what do I mean by that?

I’m talking about:

  • a kind word in line at the grocery store (I love this one)
  • being understanding to drivers on the road when you’re not in a hurry (I said it wasn’t sacrificial!),
  • speaking the compliment out loud to someone instead of only in your head
  • saying thank you
  • showing signs of appreciation to others
  • smiling (my mom tells me this all the time)
  • holding the door for someone
  • looking someone in the eye and greeting them
  • sharing a positive trait with someone when you notice
  • recognizing someone else’s accomplishments or contributions

We literally (me included) walk around our lives all day thinking mostly of ourselves…what he/ she said, that awful social media post, that crazy driver, that distracted woman in line at the store, our outfit, our day, our time… the list goes on.

In other words, the key to clean living is to step outside of yourself. In contrast, I’m not asking you to sponsor a child or give money to charity. Sacrificial love is something entirely different.

I’m talking about extending courtesy which costs you nothing.


Good Life

How much better would the world be if we all showed free kindness to one another?

Why should we do this?

Because life is hard! For example, I was really down recently, and I didn’t have it in me to give goodness to some else…but the kind words extended to me went a long way. And, I’ll repay the universe at a later date. Maybe you had a tough day at work and you can’t muster up the strength to talk to the lady in line at the grocery. That’s okay.

However, if you want to live cleanly and honestly, fulfilled, and full of joy, I think we can! And, the number one way to do that is to never withhold the good that you can give to another. For free.

Much love,


K.A. Wypych

I’m a Christian writer, speaker, and athlete inspiring people to courageously persevere through challenges to reach their big dreams and better their lives. This blog is designed to help you be a better you by tackling the entities which limit human potential. I address the pitfalls in our lives using the Bible as my primary guiding tool.

  1. Love your message, Kelly. There’s so much we can do to share the good. Thanks for reminding us to “step outside ourselves.” We KNOW this, but sometimes a reminder is needed.

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