Personal Growth: Growing Like a Weed

Personal growth begins when we start reaching for something more. Occasionally I’ve been known to ask, “What does your perfect life look like?” I don’t ask this because perfection is what we should seek, but instead, I want to see what people’s dream life looks like.

However, surprise grips me when friends respond, “I don’t know” (what do you mean, “you don’t know?“). How can growth occur if people lack awareness of their current direction?

Personally, I prefer to exist in a constant state of development because I loathe stagnancy (really, I do). For this reason, to pursue challenges makes me feel alive (check out my Pikes Peak video next week!). If I hang back in the comfort of the familiar, the sensation of not living up to my potential haunts me, miring me in depression and negativity. Growth is vital to my life (though not easy, believe me).

What About Your Dreams and Personal Growth?

People who shy away from striving toward their dreams do so, most commonly, because they are afraid of potential disappointment or failure.

If I don’t expect too much, then I won’t be disappointed.


If people choose to expect little, they set their whole lives up to be disappointments. How does aiming low while trapping inner potential benefit anyone? You were meant to do great things (I mean it!!!)! A stifled person is no good to themselves or to others.

If I don’t try, then I won’t fail.

False. (Really, really false)

Readers, to “not try” IS to fail! If one tries and doesn’t succeed, they still discover something about their dreams, the situation, or themselves, and the attempt is inevitable progress. Therefore, figuring out what doesn’t work is important.

“I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.” – Thomas Edison

Sometimes it’s scary to think of others witnessing our failures. However, the audience standing by to watch your hypothetical disaster is the same crowd who will observe your bold success. Moreover, brave souls attempting their dreams, pushing limits, and overcoming fear, provide great value and inspiration regardless of the outcome.

Personal Growth

So let’s advance our personal growth potential. To begin with, I’ll ask you my favorite question:

What does your perfect life look like?

To clarify, if you could live anywhere, be anything, have anything… how would you describe your life? Think details. Think specifics. Dig down deep. Be unafraid to want the impossible. What is your best life?

Next question:

What is the first barrier to this dream?

Think about what is the biggest, most immediate hurdle you face with regard to your dream. What is the largest impossibility at this point? What number one factor makes you shake your head and login to Netflix?

Last question:

What is the first step you can take to address this initial hurdle?

Maybe you need to pay off your school loans or get a degree or save money to buy some property. Whatever. Think of what would be the very first thing you would need to do in order to have your perfect life.

Ready for a great life hack?

Step in that direction.

However small, make a plan to set into motion the first step needed to get you there. Maybe you pick up a part-time job, research or enroll in classes, hire a realtor, etc. The key to personal growth is not to look at the whole but only at the next step.

Growth is movement. It’s risk. Personal growth is trying something new instead of hiding behind something old. It’s vital and revitalizing.

To live without growing is not to live. You weren’t meant to be a potted plant.

So, go on… get to stepping.

Love, K.

personal growth

K.A. Wypych

I’m a Christian writer, speaker, and athlete inspiring people to courageously persevere through challenges to reach their big dreams and better their lives. This blog is designed to help you be a better you by tackling the entities which limit human potential. I address the pitfalls in our lives using the Bible as my primary guiding tool.

  1. ? I like learning and growing too. I’ve always been goal driven. But, I still have to fight perfectionism and procrastination brought on by fear of failure. It seems you never outgrow that feeling of not good enough. Thankfully, we don’t have to be!
    You always challenge me.

  2. God enjoys challenging me with long, physical challenges. I’m currently training for a 100-mile ultramarathon (I came to salvation through training for an endurance event). One step at a time is how He’s going to get me through it!

  3. Loved this, and thank you! This was my favorite sentence: “The key to personal growth is not to look at the whole but only at the next step.” GREAT point – taking that next step! I’m going to apply it to some writing goals I have, because, well, the “whole” is sortof daunting!!

  4. It’s important to me to always be working toward a goal. Sometimes I attempt to overachieve (perhaps I should say I’m often in that state). But, like you, I enjoy learning new things and taking on those challenges. I think it keeps me younger, healthier, and stronger and most definitely, better able to serve my Lord. I need to think more about what the “perfect” life (or dream) looks like for me. Thanks for brightening my day!

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