Tag: Blog Posts

The Little Things

Coffee. I have to admit, I find people who don’t like coffee suspect. It looms…

Will the Letdown Let Up?

Disappointment popped up everywhere during the last few weeks. How I attracted these letdowns into…

Pet Peeves

I don’t usually rant, at least not on paper. I’m a big believer in saying…

Turn Up the BOOM

Music. The creative rhythm and emittance of the soul.  A plethora of genres exist to…


I feel like God has given me a voice and a will to be heard,…


I workout on a regular basis and, while I’m exercising, I have a physical checklist…

Hugs for my Heroes

Bad things happen. Storms roll in. Waters become rough. Fog shrouds the future. How do…


When I studied the beatitudes, and what stood out for me was meekness. Meekness. Such…