guest relations

Will the Letdown Let Up?

Disappointment popped up everywhere during the last few weeks. How I attracted these letdowns into…

Pet Peeves

I don’t usually rant, at least not on paper. I’m a big believer in saying…

Turn Up the BOOM

Music. The creative rhythm and emittance of the soul.  A plethora of genres exist to…


I feel like God has given me a voice and a will to be heard,…


I workout on a regular basis and, while I’m exercising, I have a physical checklist…

Hugs for my Heroes

Bad things happen. Storms roll in. Waters become rough. Fog shrouds the future. How do…


When I studied the beatitudes, and what stood out for me was meekness. Meekness. Such…

Hey, Baby

Do catcalls ever turn into relationships? If not, I’m confused as to why this behavior…

No Gauge

I recently instituted a day of rest in my schedule. I didn’t do it for…

Life of Integrity

Living a Life of Integrity

Hey blog friends, I’m so excited to share this news with you! Woo-hoo! Recently, (last week) I had an article published by CBN entitled Living a Life of Integrity.  ANYONE who knows…


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